Where Dreams Meet the Business of Writing

Archive for November, 2015


I write dialogue that is crisp and fresh.Today’s post is a selection from an upcoming book, Writer’s Zen: Affirmations for Writers. Come back and join us as we share affirmations for writers from A to Z.

I write dialogue that is crisp and fresh.

My dialogue is realistic and natural.

My dialogue and narrative are balanced and in the right proportions.

I use limited dialogue tags, only when necessary, to seamlessly maintain the flow of the story.

The dialogue I write accentuates the story and the characters.

I reveal what is needed through well placed, life-like dialogue.


Character Affirmations

Today’s post is a selection from an upcoming book, Writer’s Zen: Affirmations for Writers. Come back and join us as we share affirmations for writers from A to Z.WZ_characters keep story moving forward

My characters are believable and dimensional.

My characters have real lives.

My characters use all their senses. They see, smell, hear, taste and touch.

My characters are in motion. They act and move.

My characters keep my stories moving forward.

My characters have both flaws and admirable qualities.

My characters are memorable and have their own quirks.

My characters are realistic as they reveal themselves to the reader.

Affirmations for Writers: Business

WZ_I respect my writing as a business.

Today’s post is a selection from an upcoming book, Writer’s Zen: Affirmations for Writers. Come back and join us as we share affirmations for writers from A to Z.

My writing is my business.

My words have value.

I respect my writing as a business.

I acknowledge the business aspects of my writing.

I am courteous and professional with my clients, agents, and editors.

I am organized.

I manage my paperwork in an efficient and timely manner.

I maintain proper records for my writing career, as one would in any business venture.

As a business person, I meet my deadlines.

I set goals for myself, and my writing business.

I easily prioritize my tasks for the day, accomplishing the most important things first.


500 Great Words for Writing Love Scenes

Lots of good words to sift through for your romance writing!

Writer’s Zen: Appreciation Affirmations

Today’s post is a selection from an upcoming book, Writer’s Zen: Affirmations for Writers. Here are some affirmations for your writer’s life. Come back and join us as we share more affirmations for writers – from A to Z.

WZ_I enjoy the stories that sprout and grow in my mind.


I am thankful for my writing opportunities.

I appreciate the support and critiques from my circle of authors and friends.

I am thankful for the passion and inspiration that fuels my writing.

I enjoy the stories that sprout and grow in my mind.

I appreciate the knowledge I learn.

I appreciate the people I encounter, teaching me and expanding my world and bringing new sources of income my way.

I appreciate the plethora of knowledge available to me – helping me grow as a writer.

I am grateful for everything that helps me as a writer.