Where Dreams Meet the Business of Writing

Archive for the ‘Meditation’ Category

A Writer’s Imagination #writing


Last week I wrote about The Five Minute Miracle, a short meditation I was going to try to see if it helped open up my imagination.

The You Tube video I’d found, the Five Minute Miracle, was a short guided meditation that focused on imagination. Nicola asked for feedback to see how it went.

Truthfully…I’m not sure.

I was going to try using this meditation before writing for a week, although a few days I jumped right into work and forgot to start with the meditation. I only did this particular meditation four times before sitting down to write.

It seemed that it helped. But, I also wondered if it truly helped, or if my awareness of it made it seem like it did. You know how your friend gets a new, silver Volkswagen bug…and suddenly, that’s all you see are VW bugs on the road?

I think I’ll need to work with this one more to see if there are any noticeable differences.

Here’s a few affirmations for a writer’s imagination:

  • A colorful imagination makes my writing more interesting.
  • My imagination is fertile ground for creativity in my writing.
  • What I write is even better than I imagine.
  • I use my imagination for positive and creative purposes.
  • My imagination fuels the creations of my words.
  • I have infinite imagination and can visualize the worlds I create with my writing.

Happy creating!


Five Minute Miracle – Guided Meditation


Browsing through You Tube videos for guided meditations, I stumbled upon this one: The Five Minute Miracle. Intrigued, especially since it was only a five minute meditation, I had to check it out.

The focus of the meditation was about using your imagination to create a life full of what you desire. While it didn’t get very detailed, which naturally you can’t do in such a short time frame, it kept repeating the phrase ‘imagination’.

I wondered if this also couldn’t be applied to our writing. After all, isn’t that what our writing is? A world of words created on paper – a result of our writer’s imagination? My first thought was for the fictional tales I’m in the process of weaving. Yet, even non-fiction articles and books require our imagination and creative thought processes to write an intelligent, inspiring, and cohesive work.

Would this work to help open the doors of my imagination wider, prior to my writing session? I’m going to try it for a week. After all, what do I have to lose? It’s only five minutes. Every day this week, before I sit down to write, I’ll commit five minutes to listen this meditation.

Check it out. Take five minutes and see what you think. Do you think the Five Minute Miracle can help us with our writing goals too?

Writing Affirmations to Express Gratitude

gratitudeGratitude enhances our lives as we show appreciation for the many blessings – both large and small – that fill our lives. Our writing life also benefits when we express a grateful heart. Here are a few affirmations that show our gratitude for blessings in our writing.

  • I am thankful for the writing opportunities I have.
  • I appreciate the support and critiques from my circle of authors and friends.
  • I am grateful for the passion and inspiration that fuels my writing.
  • Thank you for the source of the stories that sprout and grow in my mind.
  • Thank you for the knowledge I’ve learned.
  • Thank you for the people that have crossed my path, bringing new sources of income my way, teaching me and expanding my world.
  • I am grateful for the plethora of knowledge available to me – helping me grow as a writer.
  • I express my gratitude for the many things that help me as a writer. The list is endless. I am thankful for the new sources of appreciation I see every day.

Wishing you a wonderful day, with productive writing and joy.

A to Z: ‘Z’ is for ZEN

Today is ‘Z’, the final day in the A to Z blog challenge. Thank you all for following along through the month. We made it! Hooray!

I’m blogging about WRITER’S ZEN: Where writing and meditation meet.

Meditation and positive affirmations can directly benefit our lives in many aspects. It also can benefit our writing — in the creative aspects, our productivity, our career as an author, our feelings about writing and much more. I’m making a conscious effort to make more time in my life for meditation. I’m also practicing using some of these techniques to improve my writing. Through the A to Z blog challenge, I’m sharing some of mine with you.

Read through the affirmations for each subject. Some will probably resonate with you better than others. Maybe all of them will. Maybe none of them will. We are all on our own paths, having diverse needs at different times. Even on our own individual journey, we still require different words and messages on different days.

Pick one or two thoughts that speak to you. Sit quietly for a few moments. Repeat the affirmations to yourself. Say them aloud. Reflect on how these thoughts affect your life and your writing. Are there roadblocks in your life that is stopping the goodness from entering? Are we in any way allowing this roadblock to exist? Are we putting it there ourselves? Open your mind to allowing new possibilities to present themselves.

If a phrase feels more needed, copy it onto an index card or post-it note. Keep it with you, in the car, or on the computer. Repeat throughout the day, reinforcing the message.

Give it a try! Let me know if these help your writing, or if you have any thoughts on affirmations that would be useful to use in your daily life.

Happy Writing!

meditation_stones candle sand

A to Z: ‘Z’ is for ZEN

Peace infuses my writing.

The words flow from my fingertips.

I am one with my writing.

I am connected to the energy around me – this is reflected in my prose.

Like ripples in the water – my writing radiates outward to the people that need to see it.

Contemplation and meditation focuses my insight and brings clarity to my life and writing.

My intuition strengthens. My writing improves.

I am mindful. I focus on my words and my story.

I focus on today. One step, one word, one day at a time.

I write. I pursue goals and dreams. I put forth my best effort. I am at peace with the outcome.

I – and my writing – am where I need to be.


A to Z: ‘Y’ is for YOUNG ADULT (YA)

It’s April! That means it’s time for the ‘BLOGGING A to Z CHALLENGE’. Everyday this month (except Sunday) bloggers will be blogging to a theme, using different letter of the alphabet – running, of course, from A to Z.

I’m blogging about WRITER’S ZEN: Where writing and meditation meet.

Meditation and positive affirmations can directly benefit our lives in many aspects. It also can benefit our writing — in the creative aspects, our productivity, our career as an author, our feelings about writing and much more. I’m making a conscious effort to make more time in my life for meditation. I’m also practicing using some of these techniques to improve my writing. Through the A to Z blog challenge, I’m sharing some of mine with you.

Read through the affirmations for each subject. Some will probably resonate with you better than others. Maybe all of them will. Maybe none of them will. We are all on our own paths, having diverse needs at different times. Even on our own individual journey, we still require different words and messages on different days.

Pick one or two thoughts that speak to you. Sit quietly for a few moments. Repeat the affirmations to yourself. Say them aloud. Reflect on how these thoughts affect your life and your writing. Are there roadblocks in your life that is stopping the goodness from entering? Are we in any way allowing this roadblock to exist? Are we putting it there ourselves? Open your mind to allowing new possibilities to present themselves.

If a phrase feels more needed, copy it onto an index card or post-it note. Keep it with you, in the car, or on the computer. Repeat throughout the day, reinforcing the message.

Give it a try! Let me know if these help your writing, or if you have any thoughts on affirmations that would be useful to use in your daily life.

Happy Writing!


A to Z: ‘Y’ is for YOUNG ADULT (YA)

Memorable characters ill my YA works.

The details I add to my YA novels brings them to life.

My YA books tell meaningful stories.

My YA stories are diverse, imaginative and unique.

My YA voices are realistic.

My YA characters are well developed and believable.

My YA characters are active and involved.

I enjoy writing for a YA audience.


A to Z: ‘X’ is for EXPERIENCE

It’s April! That means it’s time for the ‘BLOGGING A to Z CHALLENGE’. Everyday this month (except Sunday) bloggers will be blogging to a theme, using different letter of the alphabet – running, of course, from A to Z.

I’m blogging about WRITER’S ZEN: Where writing and meditation meet.

Meditation and positive affirmations can directly benefit our lives in many aspects. It also can benefit our writing — in the creative aspects, our productivity, our career as an author, our feelings about writing and much more. I’m making a conscious effort to make more time in my life for meditation. I’m also practicing using some of these techniques to improve my writing. Through the A to Z blog challenge, I’m sharing some of mine with you.

Read through the affirmations for each subject. Some will probably resonate with you better than others. Maybe all of them will. Maybe none of them will. We are all on our own paths, having diverse needs at different times. Even on our own individual journey, we still require different words and messages on different days.

Pick one or two thoughts that speak to you. Sit quietly for a few moments. Repeat the affirmations to yourself. Say them aloud. Reflect on how these thoughts affect your life and your writing. Are there roadblocks in your life that is stopping the goodness from entering? Are we in any way allowing this roadblock to exist? Are we putting it there ourselves? Open your mind to allowing new possibilities to present themselves.

If a phrase feels more needed, copy it onto an index card or post-it note. Keep it with you, in the car, or on the computer. Repeat throughout the day, reinforcing the message.

Give it a try! Let me know if these help your writing, or if you have any thoughts on affirmations that would be useful to use in your daily life.

Happy Writing!

life experiences

A to Z: ‘X’ is for EXPERIENCE

My life experiences sparks new ideas in my writing.

Fragments of my memories inspire characters, scenes, and story lines.

My life experiences enhance my writing.

My life is rich with experiences that I learn from.

My writing reflects the experiences in my life.

Each day, each week, each month, I gain experience and my writing improves.

Each genre I write, each contest I enter, each essay I pen adds to my experience.

experience_10 lessons

A to Z: ‘W’ is for WRITING

It’s April! That means it’s time for the ‘BLOGGING A to Z CHALLENGE’. Everyday this month (except Sunday) bloggers will be blogging to a theme, using different letter of the alphabet – running, of course, from A to Z.

I’m blogging about WRITER’S ZEN: Where writing and meditation meet.

Meditation and positive affirmations can directly benefit our lives in many aspects. It also can benefit our writing — in the creative aspects, our productivity, our career as an author, our feelings about writing and much more. I’m making a conscious effort to make more time in my life for meditation. I’m also practicing using some of these techniques to improve my writing. Through the A to Z blog challenge, I’m sharing some of mine with you.

Read through the affirmations for each subject. Some will probably resonate with you better than others. Maybe all of them will. Maybe none of them will. We are all on our own paths, having diverse needs at different times. Even on our own individual journey, we still require different words and messages on different days.

Pick one or two thoughts that speak to you. Sit quietly for a few moments. Repeat the affirmations to yourself. Say them aloud. Reflect on how these thoughts affect your life and your writing. Are there roadblocks in your life that is stopping the goodness from entering? Are we in any way allowing this roadblock to exist? Are we putting it there ourselves? Open your mind to allowing new possibilities to present themselves.

If a phrase feels more needed, copy it onto an index card or post-it note. Keep it with you, in the car, or on the computer. Repeat throughout the day, reinforcing the message.

Give it a try! Let me know if these help your writing, or if you have any thoughts on affirmations that would be useful to use in your daily life.

Happy Writing!

writing blank journal

A to Z: ‘W’ is for WRITING

My writing is active.

I use strong verbs.

I use precise nouns.

My prose contains proper sentence structure, grammar and punctuation.

My adverbs are sparse.

My writing is clear; in my intent and my storyline.

Clichés are rare. They are allowed only when invited, to create the perfect accent.

My vocabulary is varied and interesting.



A to Z: ‘V’ is for VOICE

It’s April! That means it’s time for the ‘BLOGGING A to Z CHALLENGE’. Everyday this month (except Sunday) bloggers will be blogging to a theme, using different letter of the alphabet – running, of course, from A to Z.

I’m blogging about WRITER’S ZEN: Where writing and meditation meet.

Meditation and positive affirmations can directly benefit our lives in many aspects. It also can benefit our writing — in the creative aspects, our productivity, our career as an author, our feelings about writing and much more. I’m making a conscious effort to make more time in my life for meditation. I’m also practicing using some of these techniques to improve my writing. Through the A to Z blog challenge, I’m sharing some of mine with you.

Read through the affirmations for each subject. Some will probably resonate with you better than others. Maybe all of them will. Maybe none of them will. We are all on our own paths, having diverse needs at different times. Even on our own individual journey, we still require different words and messages on different days.

Pick one or two thoughts that speak to you. Sit quietly for a few moments. Repeat the affirmations to yourself. Say them aloud. Reflect on how these thoughts affect your life and your writing. Are there roadblocks in your life that is stopping the goodness from entering? Are we in any way allowing this roadblock to exist? Are we putting it there ourselves? Open your mind to allowing new possibilities to present themselves.

If a phrase feels more needed, copy it onto an index card or post-it note. Keep it with you, in the car, or on the computer. Repeat throughout the day, reinforcing the message.

Give it a try! Let me know if these help your writing, or if you have any thoughts on affirmations that would be useful to use in your daily life.

Happy Writing!

writers voice1

A to Z: ‘V’ is for VOICE

I have a unique voice that shines through my writing.

I choose the appropriate narrative voice for each project.

My writer’s voice is authentic.

I tell my stories in my own distinctive way.

My writing voice sets me apart from the crowd.

I have something special to say.

I have a unique way of saying what I say.

writers voice2

A to Z: ‘U’ is for UPLIFTING

It’s April! That means it’s time for the ‘BLOGGING A to Z CHALLENGE’. Everyday this month (except Sunday) bloggers will be blogging to a theme, using different letter of the alphabet – running, of course, from A to Z.

I’m blogging about WRITER’S ZEN: Where writing and meditation meet.

Meditation and positive affirmations can directly benefit our lives in many aspects. It also can benefit our writing — in the creative aspects, our productivity, our career as an author, our feelings about writing and much more. I’m making a conscious effort to make more time in my life for meditation. I’m also practicing using some of these techniques to improve my writing. Through the A to Z blog challenge, I’m sharing some of mine with you.

Read through the affirmations for each subject. Some will probably resonate with you better than others. Maybe all of them will. Maybe none of them will. We are all on our own paths, having diverse needs at different times. Even on our own individual journey, we still require different words and messages on different days.

Pick one or two thoughts that speak to you. Sit quietly for a few moments. Repeat the affirmations to yourself. Say them aloud. Reflect on how these thoughts affect your life and your writing. Are there roadblocks in your life that is stopping the goodness from entering? Are we in any way allowing this roadblock to exist? Are we putting it there ourselves? Open your mind to allowing new possibilities to present themselves.

If a phrase feels more needed, copy it onto an index card or post-it note. Keep it with you, in the car, or on the computer. Repeat throughout the day, reinforcing the message.

Give it a try! Let me know if these help your writing, or if you have any thoughts on affirmations that would be useful to use in your daily life.

Happy Writing!

uplift tea bag

A to Z: ‘U’ is for UPLIFTING

The writing community is a special one.

We uphold, uplift and encourage one another.

Other writers and authors helped me on my journey to where I am now. Showing my gratitude to those who helped me; I encourage other writers.

I support and inspire writers within my sphere of influence.

I offer encouraging words.

I am a cheerleader. “You can do it!” I say.

I offer kind words to my discouraged writer friends.

I offer help and support.

I prod when needed, knowing that sometimes that gentle little push – or nudge- is what’s necessary.

I inspire others to write, to write daily and to write what’s in their hearts.

I encourage the writers in my life.

uplifting others


A to Z: ‘T’ is for TIME

It’s April! That means it’s time for the ‘BLOGGING A to Z CHALLENGE’. Everyday this month (except Sunday) bloggers will be blogging to a theme, using different letter of the alphabet – running, of course, from A to Z.

I’m blogging about WRITER’S ZEN: Where writing and meditation meet.

Meditation and positive affirmations can directly benefit our lives in many aspects. It also can benefit our writing — in the creative aspects, our productivity, our career as an author, our feelings about writing and much more. I’m making a conscious effort to make more time in my life for meditation. I’m also practicing using some of these techniques to improve my writing. Through the A to Z blog challenge, I’m sharing some of mine with you.

Read through the affirmations for each subject. Some will probably resonate with you better than others. Maybe all of them will. Maybe none of them will. We are all on our own paths, having diverse needs at different times. Even on our own individual journey, we still require different words and messages on different days.

Pick one or two thoughts that speak to you. Sit quietly for a few moments. Repeat the affirmations to yourself. Say them aloud. Reflect on how these thoughts affect your life and your writing. Are there roadblocks in your life that is stopping the goodness from entering? Are we in any way allowing this roadblock to exist? Are we putting it there ourselves? Open your mind to allowing new possibilities to present themselves.

If a phrase feels more needed, copy it onto an index card or post-it note. Keep it with you, in the car, or on the computer. Repeat throughout the day, reinforcing the message.

Give it a try! Let me know if these help your writing, or if you have any thoughts on affirmations that would be useful to use in your daily life.

Happy Writing!

time to write

A to Z: ‘T’ is for TIME

Time; it shows no distinctions. Rich or poor, healthy or ill – we all get the same amount. Twenty four hours a day. 1,440 minutes. 86,400 seconds.

I choose to use a small segment of my daily allotment for one of my loves – writing.

Some days it may be five or ten minutes. Some days it may be several hours.

I choose to use a portion of my time to write, consistently every day.

I may write. I may research. I may outline. I may edit. I may brainstorm.

I honor my writing by creating time in my day for my craft.

I am a writer. It is part of me.

Every day I honor my writing by creating time in my life for my craft. Each day, every day, I write.

time to write_clock