Where Dreams Meet the Business of Writing

Archive for April, 2016

Z: Zen in Writing (Affirmations)

A2Z-BADGE [2016]

Z: Zen


  • Peace infuses me as I write.
  • The words flow easily from my fingertips.
  • I am one with my writing.
  • I am connected to the energy around me. This is reflected in my prose.
  • Like ripples in the water – my writing radiates outward to the people that need to see it.
  • Contemplation and meditation focuses my insight and brings clarity to my writing.
  • My intuition strengthens and my writing improves.
  • I am mindful. I focus on my words and story.
  • I focus on today. One step, one word, one day at a time.
  • I write. I pursue goals and dreams. I put forth my best effort. I am at peace with the outcome.
  • I, and my writing, are where I need to be.



Y: Young Adult

A2Z-BADGE [2016]

Y: Young Adult

Here’s a few affirmations for those that write in the Young Adult genre.

  • Memorable characters abound in my Young Adult writing.
  • The details I add bring my Young Adult novel to life.
  • My Young Adult voices are realistic.
  • My Young Adult books tell meaningful stories.
  • My Young Adult characters are well-developed and believable.
  • My Young Adult stories are diverse, imaginative, and unique.

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Thank You from Writer’s Zen

Thank You from Writer’s Zen

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I’m writing my last post for the A to Z Blog Challenge, which ends with ‘Z’ on Saturday, April 30th.

Thank you all who stopped by my blog, liked, commented, and followed. I’ve tried to reply to everyone, go comment on all that commented on mine, and followed those who followed me. WordPress has been pretty good at keeping me current with the likes and comments, but I did catch a comment earlier that I missed, so I’m afraid there may be more. If I’ve missed anything, I apologize.

Now that we’re just about done, the thought crossed my mind that I should have had a standard little blurb somewhere on the blog saying, “I’m on Facebook too!” But I didn’t think of it until now.

I’m on Facebook here. And here’s a link to my Facebook page: Writers Zen

If you have a Facebook page, feel free to leave a link in the comments. I’ll go like your page, and maybe others here will see it and will hop over to like it too.

I’ve enjoyed this time through the A to Z Blog Challenge. I’ve discovered some new friends and found great new blogs to follow. A huge shout out to all the participants that made it through!

X: (E)Xperience

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My experiences provide rich fodder for my writing.

My life experiences gives me wisdom.

Emotions from my own experiences are conveyed in my writing.

People I’ve met provide a wealth of negative and positive traits for my characters.

Experiences in my past make great building blocks in my stories.

I use what I know in my writing.

The world I know provides a wealth of writing material.



A2Z-BADGE [2016]


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I am a member of an awesome writing group.

The people I need for this particular part of my writing journey enter my life.

The best people to be in my authors circle are in my life, or on their way.

I actively participate in my writing group and gain knowledge and support.

My writing groups enhance my life as an author, adding depth, focus and clarity to my writing.

My writing is stronger and more polished from my writing group’s critiques and comments.

My writing group is a tremendous network, bringing writing opportunities and new authors to my writing world.

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V: Voice (A Writer’s Voice)

A2Z-BADGE [2016]


I have a unique voice that shines through in my writing.

I choose the appropriate narrative voice for each project.

My voice is authentic.

I say things in my own distinctive way.

My voice sets me apart from the crowd.

I have something special to say.

I have a unique way of saying what’s in my mind.


U: Uncommon

A2Z-BADGE [2016]

U: Uncommon

Are these affirmations about writing, or about life? Maybe a little bit of both today. I was probably influenced by another blog I just wrote, about a most unusual, uncommon kind of hiker. Ron Ulrich hiked the Pacific Crest Trail in 2012 – all 2,660 miles in 26 weeks, wearing 26 different wedding dresses. (See post here, with a picture of him at the end of the trail in his final wedding dress.)

As our writing reflects our life and our own personalities, I’m thinking that the more uniqueness we have in our daily life, the more uncommon our writing will be. And that’s a good thing, to not always be in the middle of the herd, the same as everyone else.

Here are a few affirmations. Use them for your writing. Or, adapt them and use for any aspect of your life.

  • My writing reflects my own unique voice.
  • I make my writing my own.
  • My stories and characters are uncommon and different.
  • I follow my own writing path.
  • My writing shows that I am an uncommon individual, with my own fingerprint in life.
  • I blaze my own trail in my writing career.
  • I meld the best aspects of everything I see into my own uncommon style.


T: Time for Writers

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Rich or poor, healthy or ill – we all get the same amount of time.

I choose to use part of my allotted time for my love of writing.

I consistently choose to use part of my daily time to write.

I may write, or I may brainstorm, research, outline, or edit.

I honor my writing by creating time in my day for my craft.

I am a writer. It is part of me.

Each day I honor my writing by creating time in my life for my craft.

Each day, every day, I write.

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time to write

S: Social Media

A2Z-BADGE [2016]


Here are a few affirmations I’ve come up with for social media. What I first wanted to say was ‘I refuse to left my life get sucked into all the social media outlets out there!’. But, in the realm of keeping it positive, I’ve reworded a few of my initial thoughts. Because, I don’t know if you’re like me, but as I’m writing, I need to check a fact or a source. I hop online…just for a moment. While I’m here, I’ll just do a quick Facebook check…and an hour later (or more) I’m finally getting back to my article.

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I use my social media time efficiently.

I spend my social media time on the outlets that work best for me.

I remain positive and upbeat with my social media posts.

My social media presence is a drama free zone.

I am thankful for the contacts I make through social media.

I only use the time I have available to connect with my social media friends.

I acknowledge the positive aspects of social media and release what is not needed.

I remain in control of the time and energy I use for social media.

–If you have any additional thoughts or affirmations on controlling the social media beast, please feel free to share them.

R: Research

A2Z-BADGE [2016]

Here’s some affirmations for research. As always, feel free to change any to reflect your own voice and needs.

R: Research

My research adds details to my writing, creating a realistic scene.

Research helps make my characters believable.

I easily locate the sources I need for my research.

The research tools I need cross my path as if by magic.

I make contact with the experts I need that share their experience and expertise with me.

I have a system in place that keeps my research organized and makes it easy to locate key information.

I easily collect the information I need.

I know when I need more research.

I know when to stop collecting data and start writing.
